Lessons to be learnt

Aquarius 2023 This month, I was invited to take part in setting up a new program for The Transmission School in Tuscany. I will take part for one week in a 14 week semester that runs from September to December 2023. The theme this year is Freedom and Responsibility. I was thrilled to be asked, and with Mercury strong for …

2023 – Another of those years!

Capricorn 2023 In case you missed my video: Happy 2023! Welcome to the start of another year when the world looks set on self-destruction. The way we are heading is not looking good. However, if you have followed my blog for a while, you’ll know I am an eternal optimist and put my faith in the fact that we can …

Crisis? What crisis?

Libra 2022 The world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another. Everywhere you look, something almost incomprehensible is happening. Ukraine, Russia and the US. The UK – let’s not go there! Iran. Energy prices through the roof, causing stress and hunger. War, famine, rebellion and repression. And in the meantime, leaders and politicians are carrying on in the …