Ethics in the air – Jupiter in Gemini

Gemini 2024 Each month, I use the planet or sign associated with the month as inspiration for a blog post. I don’t always stick to that, otherwise my favourite, Ceres, wouldn’t get a look in. She doesn’t have a zodiac sign associated with her – well, not one with which all astrologers agree. However, sometimes there is a planet wandering …

The evolution of power

Aquarius 2024 Way back in 2011, I wrote a post called ‘the unsurprising order of being‘, where I discussed time and order. I was reminded of this when contemplating my Aquarius post for this year, what with Pluto going into our sign of the month, ready to spend a long time there later this year. One of the comparisons I …

Giving the Texas shootings a voice

Gemini 2022 Gemini is about communication – about telling a story and about listening. So what do we need to hear from the Uvalde, Texas shootings? We are used to Gemini working through the spoken or written word. We can also receive messages in different ways. Sometimes these are the more intuitive, ‘gut-feel’ ways – which in astrology would be …

For George and the underdogs

Gemini 2020 Yes, I’m aware my title sounds like a group – maybe a heavy metal or blues band. But of course I am going to discuss the sad and shocking case of George Floyd, who was murdered by police in Minneapolis on May 25th. Sometimes the right person comes along to mobilise the world at the right time. The …