Faye’s Monthly Planet … and other thoughts

I write a monthly post based on planetary or zodiacal principles. These are the ones tagged ‘The monthly planet’. Using my astrological eyes and ears, I try to make sense of the world. This blog also contains my thoughts and rants on random topics and these are tagged ‘Not the monthly planet’. They are usually my comments on news items. …

We are family – siblings

Cancer 2024 As many astrologers have been predicting for a while, July has been a pretty ‘interesting’ month so far. Elections, an assassination attempt, and Microsoft falling over, causing global problems, are just a few of the things that fit well with the themes mentioned by those astrologers who publish on current events. Not to mention the trials and tribulations …

Ethics in the air – Jupiter in Gemini

Gemini 2024 Each month, I use the planet or sign associated with the month as inspiration for a blog post. I don’t always stick to that, otherwise my favourite, Ceres, wouldn’t get a look in. She doesn’t have a zodiac sign associated with her โ€“ well, not one with which all astrologers agree. However, sometimes there is a planet wandering …

The evolution of compassion

Pisces 2024 Last month I discussed the evolution of power by looking at Pluto in the air signs. I used this idea to show how the passage of a planet through the same element might give tips for developing consciousness: Phase 1 personal Phase 2 passing it on to another Phase 3 the legacy to the world Fire Aries The …

The evolution of power

Aquarius 2024 Way back in 2011, I wrote a post called ‘the unsurprising order of being‘, where I discussed time and order. I was reminded of this when contemplating my Aquarius post for this year, what with Pluto going into our sign of the month, ready to spend a long time there later this year. One of the comparisons I …