We are family – siblings

Cancer 2024 As many astrologers have been predicting for a while, July has been a pretty ‘interesting’ month so far. Elections, an assassination attempt, and Microsoft falling over, causing global problems, are just a few of the things that fit well with the themes mentioned by those astrologers who publish on current events. Not to mention the trials and tribulations …

The evolution of compassion

Pisces 2024 Last month I discussed the evolution of power by looking at Pluto in the air signs. I used this idea to show how the passage of a planet through the same element might give tips for developing consciousness: Phase 1 personal Phase 2 passing it on to another Phase 3 the legacy to the world Fire Aries The …

Healing rifts – on all levels

Aries 2023 Aries and Mars go together as sign and planet very well. So since we are in Aries time, Mars is on the agenda. He was in Gemini for a long time recently. He usually spends about 1.5 to 2 months in a sign, however due to retrograde motion, he stayed in Gemini from August 2022 until March 2023. …

Protection and the Moon

Cancer 2021 Cancer is a water sign and this month, here in Europe, particularly in Germany, the flooding has been catastrophic. And more rain fell in central China in an hour than those fatal three days in Germany. People in Zhengzhou were trapped in shoulder-high water on subway trains. It must have been terrifying, and many didn’t make it. The …