Faye – the Teacher

Photo of Faye by Katell Chevalier

Through her school, The Amsterdam School of Astrology, Faye runs workshops, apprenticeships and training programmes for astrologers. She is an enthusiastic teacher who offers practical tools to astrologers at all levels.


Faye has taught many subjects over the years. Her first experience was at an international computer company in New Zealand, where she taught various computer skills. Later as a freelance ICT consultant in London, she taught managers and their secretaries how to use E-mail within BP which was one of the first companies to use E-mail company-wide.

When she came to Amsterdam in 1986, she started teaching small groups of students astrology, mainly for beginners, for the English speaking community.


Since then, she has taught the many and varied techniques of astrology to students at all levels. She now teaches in both English and in Dutch in the Netherlands and internationally. She also teaches for the London School of Astrology including in the online courses.

Faye has given webinars for the Astrology University and for Mispa Recordings are available from both of these.

There will be more of these in the future.

Her career counselling training has been followed by many professional astrologers in the Netherlands and London. Faye also offers a one-to-one Vocational Astrology Apprenticeship Program.

Faye has lectured at all the world’s major conferences, including in the UK, the US, Australia, Norway and of course in the Netherlands. She frequently gives workshops, lectures and webinars worldwide, both for astrologers and within businesses. Her lectures often contain a teaching element as Faye feels it is important to hand on any useful practical tools.

Faye is recognised as a teacher by the following organisations:

  • Astrologische Vereniging Nederland (AVN)
  • Astrologische Associatie Nederland (ASAS)

Also available to astrologers are recorded lectures and some written material – see her school site –  the Amsterdam School of Astrology – for more information.

Together with a group of fascinating teachers, Faye is part of the Transmission School in Tuscany, Italy. In 2023, we ran a 14 week semester starting in September. It’s a unique very powerful program. There are new programs in 2024. Faye will teach again in 2025.

Below is Faye’s schedule of lectures and workshops. To book or for more information about the hosting organisation click on the links. For more information on Faye and the lectures and workshops go to her school site – The Amsterdam School of Astrology


To subscribe to Faye’s list to obtain information about the English webinars she organises please fill in the form below. Your data will only be used for this purpose and will never be passed on to others.

Als je op de lijst wil komen voor informatie over NL webinars – stuur Faye een mail. faye@fayeblake.nl.

Alle gegevens die u op deze website invult en overige berichten zullen vertrouwelijk worden behandeld. Deze gegevens worden alleen gebruikt voor het doel waarvoor ze dienen en zullen niet aan derden worden verstrekt.

Faye's Agenda

Canada lecture tour

Start date: October 2, 2024
End date: October 31, 2024
Location: Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto

Faye is excited to be going to Canada for the whole of October

Lectures, workshops and private sessions are currently being planned for Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto and maybe a couple more.

There will be more news in the coming period.

Please contact Faye if you are interested in any of these areas.