Ethics in the air – Jupiter in Gemini

Gemini 2024 Each month, I use the planet or sign associated with the month as inspiration for a blog post. I don’t always stick to that, otherwise my favourite, Ceres, wouldn’t get a look in. She doesn’t have a zodiac sign associated with her – well, not one with which all astrologers agree. However, sometimes there is a planet wandering …

2024 – all change!

Capricorn 2024 In case you missed it … ο»Ώ While the world seems hell-bent on destruction, many are trying to make sense of it all. I watched some of the live streaming of the International Court of Justice case of South Africa accusing Israel of genocide, and wondered how we had arrived here. On one level it’s good to see …

All at sea? Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces

Pisces 2022 Millions of displaced people, polluted waters, floods, frightening numbers of opiate and other drug addicted victims. It’s all heart-breaking. These are some of the issues coming to a head in April. I hope we take the cosmic opportunity offered by Neptune and Jupiter to change our ways. We must, if we want a better world. As I write …