Yeah baby – she’s got it!

Leo 2023 There’s been a lot of attention paid to Venus lately on the astrowaves. It is fitting – because since she is in the sign of Leo she loves being centre stage. So much so, she has decided to stay longer by walking up and down the cosmic catwalk before she leaves the stage for Virgo land on October …

King Charles III – finally!

Taurus 2023 He’s waited all his life for this moment and despite many astrologers saying he would never be king, he is! It’s Taurus time and he is following on from his mother – a Taurus. Charles has a Taurus Moon at the same place in the heavens as the Sun of his mother.  A very strong connection. So this …

Healing rifts – on all levels

Aries 2023 Aries and Mars go together as sign and planet very well. So since we are in Aries time, Mars is on the agenda. He was in Gemini for a long time recently. He usually spends about 1.5 to 2 months in a sign, however due to retrograde motion, he stayed in Gemini from August 2022 until March 2023. …

An anchor in the wild sea

Pisces 2023 At the beginning of this year, my Capricorn 2023 post covered upcoming changes in planetary signs. One of these was Saturn entering Pisces, and this became a reality on March 7th. Saturn will stay in this sign until 2026, so we have some time to understand what he’s up to. I touched on a few relevant themes in …