Website Analysis 

Virgo 2006 Since this is the month of Virgo, it seems appropriate to look at how astrology can be used to analyse one method of company communication: company websites. Virgo is a sign that has links with the planet Mercury, who has communication as one of his tasks. This can be confusing to new astrologers because Mercury is also connected …

Company Clock – what time is it in your company?

Gemini 2006 As many modern business writers consider companies to be living organisms, and many astrologers consider that all astrological techniques should work for all entities, there is no apparent reason why the Life Clock technique, developed by Bruno Huber, could not be adapted for use in companies. Bruno Huber was a Swiss astrologer who developed a method called Age …

Money, money, money

Taurus 2006 Astrologers work with the twelve signs of the zodiac.  These signs can seen as archetypes. Interestingly, Peter Senge in his business book ‘The Fifth Discipline’ refers to twelve systems archetypes: “Presently researchers have identified about a dozen systems archetypes, nine of which are presented in this book”. Although Senge’s archetypes are not the same as the zodiac signs, the …

New Beginnings

Aries 2006 Welcome to juxtaposition’s first post of the new astrological year which this year began on March 20 at 18:25 GMT. This is known as the Aries ingress, the moment that the Sun leaves the sign of Pisces and enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, associated with the new growth of spring. It is an important moment in …