When Leo turns bad

Leo 2024

Leo season here in the North has lived up to its archetype – it’s been sunny and warm. And apart from what is happening in the world, it has been very pleasant! Including the highlight of a wonderful full super moon.

However, Leo the lion, when grumpy, can turn bad. And there’s a lot of it about.

leo astrology negative

Image Unsplash jean wimmerlin

Astrological archetypes and myths are a wonderful source for analysing what is going on, in both people and countries. Let’s start with some world leaders. Needless to say, everyone has many planetary aspects in their charts, but here, I focus on Leo planets and characteristics associated with them.

People with Leo characteristics

Pluto in Leo

There are three world leaders I want to include here who are from the Pluto in Leo generation. These are, of course, the older ones, namely Putin, Netanyahu and Trump. Pluto is descriptive of a generation, and of course, not everyone in the Leo generation expresses this in a negative way. However, this can show up in some people as abusing power, rather than using it for good ends. This generation is sometimes called the ‘Me’ generation, a fitting description for Leo. There is a difference between selfish or narcissistic and self-centred, by which I mean putting yourself in the centre of your life. I’ll leave you to decide which way it works for these three leaders with this particular placement.

putin leo

image Flickr Jedimentat44

Pluto on the MC – the mid-heaven

We have a timed chart for Putin, and however much his birth time and even date are questioned, I think Pluto in Leo in this version (see below), being on the MC, a point highlighting career environment, reputation and mission, seems to fit him well. Pluto is about power and secrecy. This is a good description of his work at the KGB, a position he held before he became president. He wants his legacy to be that of the all time great leader of Russia – a sort of Leo-like ‘King’. All-powerful. But in the meantime, he is controlling with an iron fist, and ‘gambling or playing’ (also associated with Leo), with his subjects. Using people as pawns in his game.

A fiery Leo Mars

There are five leaders, often in the headlines, all of whom have Mars in Leo. Trump, Harris, OrbĂĄn, Zelensky and Netanyahu all have this fiery Mars! Mars shows how we fight, how we defend ourselves. It describes our style and general approach to making things happen and getting things done. So having Mars here is ‘showy’. And it involves a lot of mane swishing. Don’t get me wrong, this can be a good placement. After all, some of my best friends have it! It can show a warm, enthusiastic and full-of-heart approach. But when it goes bad … oh dear.

Donald Trump having this placement right on the horizon at birth is the most obvious example of how this works. He attacks (Mars) others in a very public way (Leo loves a stage), he plays with his audience showing a meanness and a sense of entitlement. He’s ‘The man’, who can get any woman. It is important to show that he always wins (Mars in Leo likes to be a crowned winner). God has even chosen him to beat death! But when he doesn’t win or get what he wants, he throws a Leo hissy fit and is dangerous. He is gambling with the fate of a nation for his own personal gain.

Mars in Leo

President Trump with Benjamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum. Jerusalem May 23, 2017 wiki commons

Netanyahu, Harris, Zelensky and Orbån

We have timed charts for Kamala Harris, Volodymyr Zelensky,  Viktor OrbĂĄn, and a possible one for Benjamin Netanyahu. However, we know that Netanyahu has Mars in exactly the same place as Trump at 26 degrees of Leo! OrbĂĄn has Mars at 28 of Leo, pretty close! And Harris has Mars in Leo at 21 degrees, which is also not far away. Ok, you need a bit of a flamboyant approach to be a world leader perhaps, or at least that’s what most people seem to vote for.

mars in Leo Harris

Kamal Harris campaigning in Arizona august 2024. Image Gage Skidmore Flickr

Harris seems to be getting there, now that she is out of Biden’s shadow. It is perhaps too soon to see how she will use this Mars, and I think it works slightly differently in women – not better, just different. Women with Mars in Leo are often brave leaders and can speak up, but in a patriarchal society they often get called ‘bitch’ or ‘aggressive’, and are told to calm down. (One of my Canada lectures will address this topic – see below). Also, by having her Moon in Aries, Kamala is ready for a fight. Trump may have met his match in debates. However, I suspect her approach will also show a bit of ‘me first’. This can be helpful in a leader if it doesn’t go too far. You need to be able to operate in the spotlight. I hope she can use it to encourage others, rather than to attack. And also to defend and put up boundaries when needed. I will do a fuller post on Kamala Harris in the coming months.

Harris mars in leo

Kamala in fighting mode on her FB page

We’ve seen it all before

We have seen enough of how it works in Netanyahu and OrbĂĄn. Their approach appears to be all about egotistically taking the lead, taking no account of what others say or think. If the news is to be believed (a huge assumption), OrbĂĄn was almost presenting himself as leader of the EU when meeting Putin and Trump earlier this year. These three form a little group who think being a strong leader is doing what you want and damn the rest. Of course, I don’t know them personally, but this is their public reputation, which is often not too far from being accurate. This is an arrogant Leo trait.

I enjoyed this headline of an opinion piece in worldcrunch too: ‘The Rise Of Viktor OrbĂĄn, From Europe’s “Weird Uncle” To Trump’s BFF’. In the meantime, Netanyahu carries on doing what suits him, no matter who tries to convince him otherwise. He definitely has a roaring, ‘king-like’ approach. After all, his supporters call him ‘King Bibi’.

zelensky Orban Mars leo

Zelensky and OrbĂĄn in Kiev. Image Helensburghadvertiser Zoltan Fischer/PA

Late degrees of Leo

I find it quite astounding that these four have very similar Marses – is that a word? Zelensky also has Mars in Leo, but in an earlier degree. As I write, the Sun is highlighting the others’ Mars, so I am right on time with this blog. They have all been affected by outer planets moving through these late degrees of signs. Currently, in particular Uranus, the awakener, is square these degrees. Waking up a fighting spirit, since Mars is the planet being triggered! Doing something shocking to get attention, which is what feeds a Mars in Leo.

What about a country Mars?

Countries too have horoscopes, mostly more than one, depending on history. Earlier ones work too, however, I tend to use the latest one where there has been a major regime change. So let’s look at a few of those.

The chart I use for Israel has a lot of Leo energy. Moon, Pluto, Saturn and yes – Mars again. Very near the ones mentioned above, the country Mars is at 28 degrees exactly the same as that of OrbĂĄn! Perhaps then these headlines are unsurprising ‘Netanyahu greets Hungary’s Orban as ‘true friend of Israel” and ‘Senior Hungarian official: Netanyahu and Orban belong to same political family’.

China too has Mars in Leo, next to Pluto – a powerfully proud placement. Losing face is not an option.

And no wonder Kamala wants to change the US approach to Gaza. Palestine has Mars in Leo, closest to Harris’ Mars at 15 degrees. And very close to China’s Mars at 14 degrees.

full Aquarius moon

Wonderful Super moon this month – Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius. My photo.

Moon shines in Leo

It seems too, researching the start of Hamas, that they could have the Moon in Leo, as could Hungary and, to add yet another leader, Xi Jingping. I touched on Hungary in a post on the EU in 2015. The Moon in a country or group chart shows a proud people. That suggests they are both warm but also perhaps have a sense of entitlement and an idea that they are better than others.

Iran has Leo rising, as does one chart for Russia. This suggests having an image of being the boss, or the most important. And different charts for Ukraine also highlight the Leo archetype. One has Mercury, Jupiter and Venus all in Leo, showing a love of being at the centre of communicating to the world. Zelensky (I mention him here) certainly can help his country do that. It is truly impressive how such an inexperienced politician has so often spoken at top levels all over the world. Needless to say, as mentioned above, he also has Mars in Leo, as well as the Moon and Saturn. He used his Mars on the stage as a comedian and has put his communication skills (Mercury) and need (Moon) to attract attention to good use! Lebanon doesn’t want to miss out either, also having Jupiter in Leo. A belief that they are royalty!

A lot of Leo about

Wow, that’s a lot of Leo energy on the world stage. It isn’t surprising in a way, as Leo is a sign of leadership, as are all the fire signs. But do we want to accept these leaders as ‘kings’? And these countries as the ones calling the shots? There is a move to have more autocratic ‘ruler’ type governments. Democracy is certainly taking a beating – I wrote about this earlier during Brexit time in 2016 in one of my several posts on the topic, Our broken democracy. But if these leaders become too overbearing, privileged and entitled kings, they might want to take note of the French Revolution. More importantly, we might want to take a leaf out of the French citizens’ book at the time!

Louis XVI
Louis xvi sun jupiter leo

Image of Louis XVI in Public domain.

Louis XVI had the Sun and Jupiter at 29 degrees of Leo. A very powerful and royal placement. It is fitting, as 29 degrees is the last degree of Leo, that he was the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution from 1789-1799.  The French Revolution had much to do with Louis’ extravagant spending. He lived a life of luxury at Versailles, of course, but he spent much of France’s wealth supporting the American Revolution, leading to France being on the brink of bankruptcy.

His decisions, not to mention those of his Scorpio wife, relating to this, led to events during the French Revolution. He and his wife were eventually caught trying to escape, and were held captive by an angry mob of Parisian market women. This became known as the Women’s March on Versailles, after which the couple completely lost their autonomy. Louis was executed in 1793 for high treason and his wife Marie-Antoinette went to the guillotine for high treason later that same year. She had only Neptune in Leo. Perhaps is was her delusions of grandeur that caused her fall from grace.

marie-antoinette neptune in leo

The scandalous wife of Louis XVI, Marie-Antionette, often referred to as the power behind the throne. Image public domain from Smithsonian site.

Too much extravagant and entitled Leo

If we don’t want to accept current ‘kings’, albeit self-appointed ones, not to mention Project 2025, there are warnings in history. Too much of one archetype often evokes the opposite one, which in this case is Aquarius. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, which is where it is now, and will settle there for the next twenty years, was during the French revolution. So these ‘kings’ might again ‘lose their heads’ due to the plebs taking back our power and revolting!

Patti Smith says it all!

The rest of all of these charts are important too, however focussing on one particular aspect can be enlightening. If you have Leo energy in your chart, may it be expressed joyfully and warmly so the rest of us can bathe in your light!

Faye Blake

Interesting websites

An article on OrbĂĄn and Israel

A longer explanation of Louis XVI and Marie-Antionette’s escape attempt

For information on my Canada tour in October, see my Amsterdam School of Astrology site.

Quotes of the month

“Here’s the thing: every office I’ve run for I was the first to win. First person of color. First woman. First woman of color. Every time.” Kamala Harris

“Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.” J. D. Vance, now Trump’s running mate! Of course Vance is also a Leo with Venus and Ascendant in that sign. He loves the spotlight and he offers all that ‘fatherly’ advice. Will there be some fighting for the Lion’s throne?

When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.” Donald Trump

“The State of Israel can be proud of what we’re doing.” Benjamin Netanyahu

“We as a country have something to learn from Israel, especially in the areas of security and defence, and we will of course be doing that.” Volodymyr Zelensky

“Boxing is a noble sport.” Viktor Orban

“Nobody should have any illusion about the possibility of gaining military superiority over Russia. We will never allow this to happen.” Vladimir Putin

“I have no intention of sharing my authority.” Louis XVI

For Astrologers


Donald Trump: 14 June 1946, 10:54, Queens, New York. AA rating
Vladimir Putin: 7 October 1952, 9:30, St Petersburg, Russia. DD rating (different times and even dates floating around the web for him)
Benjamin Netanyahu: 21 October 1949, 10:30, Tel Aviv, Israel. C rating
Kamala Harris: 20 October 1964, 21:28, Oakland, California. AA rating
Volodymyr Zelensky: 25 January 1978, 14:00, Krivoj Rog, Ukraine, A rating
Viktor Orbån: 31 May 1963, 14:00, Székesfehérvår, Hungary, A rating
Xi Jinping: 15 June 1953, Beijing, China. XX rating – date in question
Louis XVI: 23 August 1754, 6:26, Versailles, France. A rating


The charts I have used is from Nicholas Campion’s The Book of World Horoscopes, unless otherwise stated.

China People’s Republic: Rally for the inauguration – time based on later research of recordings: 1 October 1949, 15:01, Beijing, China.
Russia: the Minsk declaration of independence set for the capital: 8 December 1991, 19:45, Moscow, Russia.


This one is for the end of Ben Gurion’s proclamation, which Campion suggests some Israeli astrologers use. It is a chart that seems to respond to recent transits of Jupiter, particularly over the MC when some of the heaviest bombing took place.  At 4:32 PM on May 14th 1948, Ben Gurion, after reading the independence statement and manifesto, and the scroll had been signed, is reported to have said: “Israel has been born! The meeting has ended.”

Palestine: 4 May 1994, 8:55 GMT, Jerusalem, Israel.
Hungary: 23 Oct 1989, 12:00, Budapest, Hungary.
Iran Islamic Republic: 1 April 1979, 15:00 Teheran, Iran.
Ukraine: 24 August 1991, Kiev, Ukraine. Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes uses 17:31, Some Ukrainian astrologers use 18:00.
There is also a chart for the legal independence date: 1 December 1991, 20:00, Kiev, Ukraine. This one has Leo rising.
Lebanon: 1 January 1944, 0:00, Beirut, Lebanon.

And lastly Hamas: 10 Dec 1987, no time, Jerusalem, Israel. Date taken from wiki.


Comments 2

  1. Hi Faye,
    Thanks again for your fascinating and rivetting this month’s Leo ezine – how could it not be???
    Oh dear, showing my true colours yet again – so stop it Scorpio and be an easy, easy Libra (my mitigating factor, methinks). As for Pluto, don’t let’s even go there!!! 🙁 x
    Suddenly it’s about me again – how could that be when I just wanted to thank you yet again for all your super insights? 🙂
    Good luck for all – and sending love as per, Pat xx

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