Capricorn 2015 As is only right, at the end of the year I was reflecting on 2014, and as part of that process I decided to check which of my posts were most often read. Maybe that would give me ideas for 2015. Surely most of you would like the ones that make you reflect on interesting topics and life …
The Moral of the Sydney Siege
Sagittarius 2014 As this is the Sagittarius Monthly Planet, I was intending to write about Saturn entering this sign on December 23rd, where he will stay for a few years. But events somewhat overtook me. Since 2012 and possibly even earlier, astrologers have been commenting on an unfolding celestial drama involving the clash of two gods – Uranus, the sky …
Can you tell me what will happen in 2014?
Capricorn 2014 At the end of each year, as January 1st approaches, the calls start coming. Radio and television always have ‘this year’s forecasts’ on their list of things to do around the new year. Many moons ago, I thought it would be nice to be asked. Later, I thought I wouldn’t know what to say. And this year, as …
What is it about January 1st?
Capricorn 2013 Since a calendar that began on the first of January was adopted, many have viewed this date as something special. New Year is widely celebrated in a lot of countries and it has become synonymous with starts. The start of the tax year for some, the founding of many companies, agencies within government and, last but not least, …
Ancient sex
Scorpio 2012 This month I want to consider two themes, Capricorn, which aligns with Saturn, and Scorpio, which aligns with Pluto. The reason for my focus here is that for the next couple of years these two planets are in what is called ‘mutual reception’ in the sky. Pluto is in Capricorn and Saturn has recently entered Scorpio – i.e. …
I’m engaged!
Cancer 2012 Congratulations? Perhaps – but don’t get excited. I mean I am lucky enough to be fully engaged in my work. I love my work, and as I work alone it is easy to be engaged with my company – because I am it! ‘Employee engagement’ is a term you hear thrown around in business these days. It is …