Gemini 2013 Last year in Gemini time, I wrote in my post about the need to ready ourselves for the impending clash of the heavenly Titans – Pluto vs. Uranus. These meetings occur seven times between June 24th 2012 and March 17th 2015, so this whole period is affected by this square, as it is called, between two planets. This is …
Apocalypse Now
Sagittarius 2012 No, I don’t think the world will end in a huge disaster on the 21st December 2012. But if recent events don’t suggest apocalyptic times, I don’t know what does. Children being raped, abused, mown down with bullets or other weapons – and not only in the US – conjure up horrific images. In the news, much has …
Prepare for 2012
June 2012 Right! Astrologers have been waiting (and forecasting for quite some time with both anticipation and dread), for a series of sky happenings that will finally start this month. Their effects are already being felt worldwide – the planets not the astrologers. I have written before about the meetings between Pluto and Uranus in the coming years. This is …
Evolution and Emergence
November 2011 I always like to read what Bruce Lipton, the author of ‘Spontaneous Evolution’ is up to. This month his newsletter is in the form of a video which I really liked. It’s about 11 minutes long and I think worth taking the time to watch, as it providers a positive message in these troubled times. And an explanation of what astrologers would associate with the current …
My heart goes out to Norway
July 2011 What a terrible experience it must have been yesterday in Utoeya Island and in Oslo with the bombing. At present it seems to be the work of one person, which may or may not be more comforting than a bigger organisation claiming the deed. Being able to keep tabs on a single person has always proved to be …
Killer Salads
June 2011 I was just reading a blog post (in Dutch) by my friend and colleague Liz Hathway. She analysed the chart of the time that the first E-Coli victim in Germany reported sick. Knowing Liz she has done her research into how that time was found! I agree with her – it is a good example of the fight between those two …