Internet, balance sheets, goals and structure

Gemini 2008 As the theme this month is Gemini, internet and company documents seem a fitting topic to discuss. As I begin this post, Pluto has just gone backwards into Sagittarius again before he finally goes into Capricorn on November 27th, where he stays until 2023. In the short period since January when he made his first tentative steps into …

The mail must get through – but does it?

Gemini 2007 In former times the mail had to get through – no matter what. Letters had a particular importance. There may have been important business to be done or love to be declared – all reasons for putting quill to paper. It was special to receive a hand written letter. These days we rage if our email doesn’t work. …

Company Clock – what time is it in your company?

Gemini 2006 As many modern business writers consider companies to be living organisms, and many astrologers consider that all astrological techniques should work for all entities, there is no apparent reason why the Life Clock technique, developed by Bruno Huber, could not be adapted for use in companies. Bruno Huber was a Swiss astrologer who developed a method called Age …