Thinking about thinking

Gemini 2014 As you probably know by now, the planet Mercury, which is associated with our sign of the month, Gemini, looks as though it is backing up a few times a year. Many astrologers, including me, have Β written about thisΒ and what it might or might not mean. I like the idea of planets looking inwards while being retrograde, rather …

Digging for Gold

Taurus 2014 Since it’s Taurus time, which means spring here in the north, I have been digging in my roof garden and planting things that I can eat. It is very satisfying knowing that soon, I can not only save a visit to the supermarket, I can also save money! Practical and penny-wise – emulating any good Taurean worth her …

Power is the Drug

Pisces 2014 I sometimes think that I am turning into my father. He often used to shake his head and with a look of despair would say “The world has gone mad!” I find myself uttering the same words. My father left this planet a long time ago so I really wonder what he would think if he saw what …

I know best and placebos

Aquarius 2014 It’s been an interesting month. Aquarian birthdays – mine and Juxtaposition’s (we are now 8!) And of course the Winter Olympics have taken place, where everyone involved wants to be different and special. It’s the right time of year for that. And despite all the criticism of Russia and the terrible situation in the Ukraine, we have seen …

Can you tell me what will happen in 2014?

Capricorn 2014 At the end of each year, as January 1st approaches, the calls start coming. Radio and television always have ‘this year’s forecasts’ on their list of things to do around the new year. Many moons ago, I thought it would be nice to be asked. Later, I thought I wouldn’t know what to say. And this year, as …