2024 – all change!

Capricorn 2024 In case you missed it …  While the world seems hell-bent on destruction, many are trying to make sense of it all. I watched some of the live streaming of the International Court of Justice case of South Africa accusing Israel of genocide, and wondered how we had arrived here. On one level it’s good to see …

Our turn to choose – Netherlands elections

Scorpio 2023 I’m not sure having run-ups to elections in Scorpio season is a good idea, knives are sharpened and the black and white attitude of Scorpio can be emphasised, leading to much polarisation. We do get impassioned debates sometimes though. However, on November 22nd, and by the end of that day we are just into Sagittarius, we have to …

Trial by astrology

Libra 2023 Libra is a sign associated with balance and the scales of justice. It should at least be the one time of year when we get to hear both sides of all news stories. But good journalism seems to be hard to come by. A very small example – the BBC is supposed to do balanced and fair reporting. …

King Charles III – finally!

Taurus 2023 He’s waited all his life for this moment and despite many astrologers saying he would never be king, he is! It’s Taurus time and he is following on from his mother – a Taurus. Charles has a Taurus Moon at the same place in the heavens as the Sun of his mother.  A very strong connection. So this …