Compromise – Libra at its best

Libra 2014 The root of the word compromise comes from com – together and promittere – promise. So a joint promise. It sounds like marriage! All very Libran – our sign of the month. Lovely! The start of Libra is the time that represents one of the balance points of the year, when the sun crosses the equator. There is …

Peace – what does that even mean?

Libra 2013 Libra time …  … a time for beauty. Depending on where you are, Autumn and Spring can both do that! … a time for negotiation. Well done the US government, who finally reached an agreement of sorts on debt! … a time for trying to reach an agreement on nuclear weapons – again! … and a time for …

Yours or mine?  A balancing act

Libra 2012 A while ago I had what I, of course, thought was a brilliant idea. I have been working hard all my astrological life to encourage people to be more themselves – to be authentic and to dare to show it. This is very scary for many people as there is always a need to fit in with the …

US vs NZ

 April 2012 It may sound like a game but it’s about comparison. Lately I came across two things comparing these two countries. One is a article on a book called Fairness and Freedom by David Hackett Fischer. The other is an article from the New York Times called Elephants Down Under by Thomas L. Friedman. Both are written by Americans who …

The Unsurprising Order of Being

Libra 2011 Firstly –  a comment on Libra this month It’s been a strange month – more natural disasters and Gaddafi dead. All I can say about that is may Libya now have Rest and Peace – that last a nice Libran phenomenon. Poor old New Zealand has been hit again – earthquakes and floods and snow didn’t seem to be enough. …

Negotiation: it’s a good time for it … 

Libra 2010 … if the world is anything to go by. The UK had to reach compromises in forming a Cabinet. The new Australian leader, Julia Gilliard, needed good negotiation tactics and FINALLY we have a cabinet again here in the Netherlands after the last one fell in February this year. We now have a fellow Aquarian as a Prime …