Rituals, plant wisdom and pain

Virgo 2018 This month I watched two very ‘Virgo’ series. One was the BBC’s Extraordinary Rituals and the other was an online series called Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness, which was mainly about plants that can be used as medicine and in some cases food. It’s a fascinating and well produced series that you can still purchase if you happen …

The Unsurprising Order of Being

Libra 2011 Firstly –  a comment on Libra this month It’s been a strange month – more natural disasters and Gaddafi dead. All I can say about that is may Libya now have Rest and Peace – that last a nice Libran phenomenon. Poor old New Zealand has been hit again – earthquakes and floods and snow didn’t seem to be enough. …

Service: Order vs. Chaos

Virgo 2010 My post is a bit on the late side (hoping to make it before Autumn officially starts here when the Sun hits Libra at 3:09 GMT on September 23rd. Spring starting for you lucky southern hemispherites!) as I have been attending a conference in the US. It was a wonderful experience – adding a knowledge of the stars …