A global wake-up call – evolve or die

Aquarius 2010 Aquarius – our birthday month – now we are four – Juxtaposition that is. And I have been having a bit of a rest from writing, it appears, as it is really the last spasms of Aquarius as I write this. I want to feature an Aquarian who just had his birthday, Eckhart Tolle, the man who said …

Loneliness vs. the ‘real me’. 

Aquarius 2008 Having been an astrologer for many years, it is not often now that I resort to looking up meanings for planets and signs. However it is sometimes well worthwhile to check what is ‘out there’ in the world of information. Each month I brainstorm with myself (a fun occupation!) about a topic for a post. I imagine that …

Deciding what you want in life? 

Leo 2007 Having a summer like we have had here in Holland could make you wonder why Leo is a sign associated with the Sun. (I’m updating this post in Leo 2018 and that’s DEFINITELY not the case this year. It’s way too hot!) The zodiac, being based in the northern hemisphere, is supposedly in tune with northern seasons and …