Evolution and the sprained ankle

Aquarius 2015 Evolution 1 and 2 – religions Lately, the topic of evolution keeps crossing my path. My Sunday morning ritual, when at home, is to watch the BBC’s ‘The Big Question’. While eating an English crumpet and drinking coffee, I shout at people with differing views from my own, (how stupid can people be?) often about religious topics (it …

I know best and placebos

Aquarius 2014 It’s been an interesting month. Aquarian birthdays – mine and Juxtaposition’s (we are now 8!) And of course the Winter Olympics have taken place, where everyone involved wants to be different and special. It’s the right time of year for that. And despite all the criticism of Russia and the terrible situation in the Ukraine, we have seen …

I quit

Aquarius 2013 It’s been a pretty interesting 2013 Aquarius period. We saw meteorites hit Russia, an asteroid come very close to earth, and lightning strike St Peter’s BasilicaΒ on the day Pope Benedict XVI resigned. Of course many people, including astrologers, went into print or were very vocal about what this might mean symbolically. Clearly for many, even non-astrologers, there is …

The move to a new dream

May 2011 I have written a few times about the fact that Neptune is in the middle of going backwards and forwards changing sign from Aquarius to Pisces. I talked about us developing a new dream. Here’s what I wrote in the Capricorn 2011 post.Β “Although we will continue to experience the power of all this technology and experience sudden new …