2025 Opportunities

Capricorn 2025

In case you missed it! Happy 2025

Yes, 2025 is quite a year. As you will know, if you follow my blog, I don’t like to give predictions. I believe that what we think, decide, and do makes a difference to outcomes. Raising our awareness is what is needed to save the world! And let’s face it, it needs saving. The only thing I can do, apart from my own inner work, is suggest what opportunities are offered by planetary movements. So although I can relate a lot of tragic events, and scary developments to negative planetary archetypal forces, in this post I want to show how we could work together with the planets to help direct the world in a more positive direction.

Pluto in 2025 – knowledge is power

Pluto now stays in Aquarius for around 20 years, so it is a major basis factor in coming years, being such a slow mover.

Pluto’s action is to dig and delve. To uncover secrets and to clean out rubbish and purge anything no longer useful. It is a powerful, cleansing energy, making the way clear for transformation and new growth. It is not always easy, as it requires inner work for you to step into the power it can provide. Some things must die, so that a new focus can rise from the ashes. The sign that Pluto is travelling through – Aquarius in this case – shows the areas where this energy can be unleashed to bring about purification. This works at global, country, company, group and personal levels. The sign shows where power can be obtained.

What does Aquarius rule?

Aquarius is a mental, air sign. Knowledge, truth, the internet, technology and social groups, are some of the areas that will have power in the coming years. The more you know, the better you can adjust to the explosion of AI and technology. We all need to research these areas to understand what we are signing up to, so we can influence the future. Knowing what the truth is, gives you power in any situation. Pluto in Aquarius supports deep thinking, and honest research. We need to be brave enough to call out lies and corruption, particularly when it comes to social media and governments. Groups need to form active communities, which gives more power and control over where we are heading.

On a personal level, it supports passion for gaining knowledge on a subject you have always wanted to explore. It might be good to get your technology in order too. Clean out all those all cables and files. Tidy up your email addresses, and get together with like-minded friends!

I have posted often on Pluto in Aquarius – my main post being Aquarius 2022 – Will Pluto in Aquarius really mean ‘We the people’?Β 

Neptune in 2025 – fierce compassion

Neptune is the god of the sea. He can create tsunamis, and also calm the waters. Neptune teaches us to go with the flow, to let go of anything no longer supporting our path. He has no boundaries – the sea cannot be contained. Neptune dissolves. The sea connects all of us, so Neptune’s job is to show us that we are all part of the ‘whole’. The sea can be very healing and supportive. In this way Neptune teaches compassion. We can float in the sea, but we cannot fight its power. Neptune wants to help us trust where the universe is ‘landing’ us. He is spiritual in nature.

Neptune has been in his own sign, Pisces, since 2011, where he will still be for part of this year. However, he will do a trial run in the sign of Aries, between March 30th and October 22nd. This is a major new start, as Aries is the beginning of a whole new cycle. I have written often on Neptune in Pisces, one example is my Pisces 2024 post, ‘The evolution of compassion’. So I will focus here on Neptune starting a new cycle in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.

What does Aries rule?

Where can Neptune bind, dissolve and heal? Aries is a brave fire sign, associated with war and weapons. It is the sign of defence and action, so anyone in these professions, such as the military or fire-fighters, will be affected when an outer planet is in Aries. Pioneers, leaders, competitive sportspeople, and surgeons all fall within the auspices of this sign.

The best way to use Neptune here would be to have fiery compassion and take action to dissolve wars and conflicts at all levels from global to personal. To take strong action to support and defend victims. To use imagination in sport and surgery. And since Aries is about our own defence mechanisms, to be more creative in supporting our immune systems. As Neptune is a very imaginative energy, a new type of compassionate, creative leadership is supported while Neptune flows through Aries. We have time, as he fully enters Aries next year where he stays until 2039.

In my 2025 video, I put keywords for Neptune and Aries together, so my short summary also suggested:

Neptune Aries

From my video

These are all good things to try!

What happened when Neptune was last in Aries?

The last time Neptune was in Aries was between 1861 and 1875. Many astrologers have mentioned that this period includes the American Civil war. What is interesting, is that this war began over slavery. Victims. During this period defending and compassion for slaves resulted in slavery becoming illegal, not only in the US but in other countries as well. Also during this period, there was another positive gain – the Geneva Convention, the first to provide more humane treatment for the war-wounded – was signed in 1864. This, after Henri Dunant and others established the Red Cross in Geneva, because of the casualties Dunant witnessed (and wrote about) at Solferino. And Alexander II issued a decree freeing Russia’s millions of serfs.Β 

Even boxers (Aries) were being protected (Neptune), with the introduction of the Queensberry rules in 1867!

The world was becoming more connected – the first telephone was made in 1861 by Philipp Reis and a patent for the telephone was filed by Italian US immigrant Antonio Meucci in 1871. However, it was Alexander Graham Bell who demonstrated it, and was awarded the patent, when Neptune went into the practical sign of Taurus. Interesting in the light of current events, is that the Suez Canal was opened in 1869, making the world seem more ‘one’.

Uranus in 2025 – free speech for all

Uranus has been in the sign of Taurus since 2018. My main post about this was my Taurus 2018 post, ‘Lightning strikes the bull’, although I have referred to it often after that. So now I want to look at Uranus’ trial run in the sign of Gemini, from July 7th until November 8th this year. Here’s what was in my video:

Uranus in Gemini

From my video

The job of Uranus is to wake us up. To shock us into awareness and help us gain insight. To do this he works in unexpected ways. He is innovative and thinks outside the box. He wants change and truth. The sign he travels through gives us hints as to where a rebellious, innovative approach might reap rewards. It also shows the areas where we demand freedom and honesty. Taurus was all about practical matters like banking and farming – see my previous posts.

What does Gemini rule?

When Uranus settles into Gemini in 2026 we will have about 6 more years to make use of him there. Gemini is very different from Taurus. Being an air sign it is about communication and ideas, such as speaking and writing, social media, and all forms of communication infrastructure, such as internet and telephone technology. Anything that has to do with networks will be shaken up. Newspapers, television and radio will have to change even more during Uranus’ sojourn in Gemini. In all these areas innovation, equality and truth will be supported. And although freedom of speech does not always result in truth, Uranus in Gemini insists on the right to tell our own truth.

On a personal level, expressing revolutionary ideas is supported. The world will respond positively to any innovations in technology, but also to rebelling against being told what you can or can’t say or write. AI is here, whether you like or not, so my advice would be to make positive use of the many possibilities it offers. Change is never easy, but in all the areas mentioned it is unavoidable.

Uranus comes very close to a trine with Pluto in 2025, which gives us even more powerful changes in the air. More on this in another post.

And then there are siblings

Since Gemini also rules siblings, there might be some surprises and shocks in this area. However, knowing the truth about your brothers and sisters, and trying to speak openly, provides the opportunity for at least understanding, if not healing, some of your family patterns. Uranus can help the ‘penny drop’, so you can place certain events, and move along in your development.

Saturn in 2025 – initiating discipline

Saturn stays in a sign for around 2.5 years, and he is reaching the end of travelling through Pisces. My main post on this was my Capricorn 2023 post and I expanded further in my Pisces 2023 post, ‘An anchor in a wild sea’. In 2025, he too, puts a toe into Aries from May 25th to September 1st, also starting a whole new cycle. It really is a major year!

Saturn Aries

From my video Saturn in Aries

To expand on what I stated in my video, Saturn’s job is to clarify and as he travels through a sign he makes clear where problems need solving. His answer is always to take responsibility and not blame others. In Pisces he made it crystal clear that water issues of all kinds need to be addressed, and that the chaos in hospitals, prisons and the drug and alcohol industries need solving. So how should we use him in Aries?

What does Aries rule?

I covered that above, since Neptune (and Ceres) will also enter Aries this year. The combination of Saturn and Aries suggests support from the cosmos when we take responsibility for any conflicts, such as war and boundary disputes. Saturn favours agreements in these areas, also on a personal level. It means taking on tough challenges when the problem is your responsibility. And being a brave grown-up, by defending borders and boundaries. Saturn in Aries can help you count to ten before expressing anger. And if you need to do more sport or exercise, he can help you create a disciplined plan.

Ceres in 2025

This is what I think about Ceres, who also enters Aries in May 2025, where she stays for the rest of the year – a long time for her.

Important meetings in 2025

There is one major planetary configuration worth mentioning in 2025. As both Neptune and Saturn move into Aries, they come within a whisker of being together, although their precise meeting happens in 2026. As they do this, Jupiter, by then in Cancer, picks them up by a square aspect in June. Jupiter always expands, so this adds emphasis to the combination of Saturn and Neptune together in Aries. Jupiter also has an international flavour, as well as a legal one. In Cancer, Jupiter will focus on legal protection for country, home and family. So this would be a good time to:

  • Reach global agreements about refugees
  • Agree international water quality and usage rules
  • Make ambitious plans to initiate help for drug users
  • Insist that governments and other groups take responsibility for victims in the aftermath of Covid measures
  • Do something about your pioneering, creative, entrepreneurial plans

And at all levels, be less angry and more compassionate about others’ beliefs, while letting go of some of your own ingrained ones. It’s time for the seeds of a new start, even though we must go through some more endings first.

Seize the planets in 2025!

Faye Blake

Relevant links to previous posts

I have written on many of these themes over the years. On my blog page you can use the search facility to follow up on your interests.

Another post on Pluto in Aquarius is my Pluto decides on an outfit one of Scorpio 2024.

Quote of the month

β€œEvery ending is a beginning. We just don’t know it at the time.”  Mitch Albom, American author, journalist, and musician.Β 


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