Sagittarius 2017 As I write, a birthday seems to have gone by largely unnoticed. Although the Easter Rising was a pivotal event in the splitting up of Ireland – the centenary was celebrated in 2016 – the formal agreements were only finalised in 1922. This was partly due to WWI occurring in the intervening period. Although agreements had been made …
Will we see the light?
Sagittarius 2016 Way back in 2010, I wrote about a conjunction of planets that was occurring at the time. In my Sagittarius 2010 post , I suggested themes associated with Jupiter and Uranus being together in the sky: “At every level, personal to global, Uranus requires, or rather demands change. When Jupiter is involved we need to examine what we believe. Are …
2016 – New goals for the year: what’s the point?
Capricorn 2016 January is a very fitting time to make New Year’s Resolutions. Capricorn, associated with the planet Saturn, loves a concrete goal. And there’s nothing like a good plan! So we sort out a diet, or choose an exercise regime. We look back over 2015 and reflect on what went well (or not) and then focus on what we might achieve …
Dear European Union…
Sagittarius 2015 It’s been a Sagittarian month true to form. Jupiter, the planet representing Sagittarius, is associated with space. What better time to launch the latest Star Wars film? And for the BBC to give huge amounts of attention to Tim Peake, the first government-backed Brit who arrived safely on the International Space Station, which is manned by an international crew – …
The Moral of the Sydney Siege
Sagittarius 2014 As this is the Sagittarius Monthly Planet, I was intending to write about Saturn entering this sign on December 23rd, where he will stay for a few years. But events somewhat overtook me. Since 2012 and possibly even earlier, astrologers have been commenting on an unfolding celestial drama involving the clash of two gods – Uranus, the sky …
Backwards to go Forward
Sagittarius 2013 Sagittarius – the archer in the sky. We are just at the end of his period in the year and about to meet the goat again. So we are in a time period where we can look back over the year and attempt to spot patterns. Saggi is good at observing patterns. Based on a bit of self-reflection, you …