There’s something in the air

Sagittarius 2020 Indeed there is something in the air — or there will be very soon. Planets! After having a heavy dose of earthy Capricorn all this year, at least Jupiter and Saturn will move into an air sign and will be together on the solstice this year. And Pluto will follow them in 2023. Change is in the air …

Who is Joe Biden?

Scorpio 2020 Very soon we should know who the next president of the US will be. One of the contenders is Joe Biden. So what does astrology have to say about the kind of man he is? Pennsylvania is one of the US states that will be crucial in the outcome of the 2020 elections. Biden was born there, and …

For George and the underdogs

Gemini 2020 Yes, I’m aware my title sounds like a group – maybe a heavy metal or blues band. But of course I am going to discuss the sad and shocking case of George Floyd, who was murdered by police in Minneapolis on May 25th. Sometimes the right person comes along to mobilise the world at the right time. The …