Have a heart

Leo 2009 My good friend and colleague, Zelda Hall has discovered a new passion and one that fits her perfectly, astrologically speaking. She’s a Leo, the sign that rules the heart. The Leo time of year is a time to look at your heart. Are you following it? Is it happy? Can you help it? Zelda’s latest interest is Heartmath, a new …

New(ish) kids on the block 

Leo 2008 Currently I am preparing new material on the now dwarf planet Ceres. When Pluto was demoted in 2006, she was again promoted to planetary status, albeit a dwarf one. So she now has the same status as Pluto, as have two others; Eris and a new one just named – Makemake, which was formerly known as the Easter …

Deciding what you want in life? 

Leo 2007 Having a summer like we have had here in Holland could make you wonder why Leo is a sign associated with the Sun. (I’m updating this post in Leo 2018 and that’s DEFINITELY not the case this year. It’s way too hot!) The zodiac, being based in the northern hemisphere, is supposedly in tune with northern seasons and …