A Fresh Start

Aries 2010

Aries – the time of the year here in the northern hemisphere when life begins again. Plants force their way towards the light after a very cold winter, the birds are up early and it is the beginning of the astrological year. Spring. Time for fresh starts.

But sometimes starting again is forced upon us. Haiti’s recent earthquake and Poland’s air crash which killed the president and many state and military leaders, come to mind for different reasons. A whole land must start from scratch and a whole government.

And then there are all the earthquakes and now a volcano causing trouble. See my post for a comment on the volcano.

Photographer Albert Jakobsson’s wonderful photo of the Iceland eruption and the Aurora Borealis.

Fortunately most of us are not faced with this magnitude of forced change, but things happen to us that mean we have to rebuild our lives or our work.

I have noticed that when we are forced to change, it helps if we can understand what occurred and what the message might be and therefore gain perspective. Astrology is well-placed to ask the questions: What the hell happened? and Why me? We can gain advice too for the next steps.

So let’s look at Haiti. To do this I use the chart of the country. The official start date for Haiti I am using is 1st January 1804. This was when full ‘de jure’ independence was gained when the Act of Independence was signed at Gonaives.

As an astrologer it is easy to see what is triggered in this chart. The criticism often levelled at astrologers is then “why can’t you predict this disaster?” For me this has to do with the level of consciousness. Disasters appear to happen when something needs to be brought to light – to be made more conscious. That’s why prediction is difficult and I believe what we choose defines our future. So predicting is very different for everyone and you need to know the history.

Bad Haitian habits?

To try to gain some perspective let’s look at what was triggered. There are two obvious patterns in this horoscope that are being shaken up. They both involve the planet Mars, which has to do with fighting, armies, defence, anger and violence. The first one involves Saturn which may mean frustration at getting what one wants. As if the government (Saturn) were somehow blocking any expression of will (Mars) on the part of the people. It could also mean a government that enjoys fighting. Or as has been quoted, a government that uses “guns-for-hire” gangs to enforce their will. (See website of the month).

Trying to get to the humanitarian aid after the quake

The other pattern being triggered involves Mars too, as well as Pluto and the Moon. This reflects, among other things, the position of women in Haiti – the power (or lack of it) that they have. The violence being committed against mothers, young women and, in other ways children, is shown by this aspect. The general powerlessness of the people against the aggressiveness of those in ruling positions.

Perhaps a disaster of this scale is needed to give the opportunity for a fresh start when a country has this level of problems. It is glaringly obvious that over the past years Haiti has not been able to make the most of these patterns which can also harbour positive qualities.

My advice for Bill

climto Haiti 2010

Photo Clinton and Préval from Wall Street Journal

The patterns in the sky at the moment offer the opportunity for massive transformation but only if responsibility is taken by those in power. It is not for the faint-hearted and certainly not easy. Bill Clinton, together with the president René Préval will oversee the reconstruction commission, a body that will administer the billions of aid funds.

So Bill, here’s how it could work:

Protect the women and give them some power. They have the will and the determination to turn this around. Listen to what they want. It was heartening, early on in the chaos, to see groups of women singing and keeping together so that they would not be raped. These are tough women with stamina.

Give the young men something to do and give them some influence. They too are powerful but because of frustration this energy goes into their trying to be top-dog. The gangs are starting up again and this could be very dangerous. What they want is some say in what is happening. This energy could be put to good use. But if they stay feeling powerless, even more terrible things will happen.

The style of government needs to change from one of selfishness to one of responsibility. This really is a seed moment for Haiti. They have something in the chart called the Saturn return, which individuals have for the first time around age 29. This is a time for taking responsibility and making decisions that will affect our goals in life. Saturn in Libra in Haiti’s chart suggests that responsibility needs to be taken in the areas of justice and fairness and in relationships. The nature of this disaster suggests that these areas are way out of balance. Coming crunch times for these patterns are July and August and later in November 2010, although the next few years look difficult.

The Polish Case – outmoded norms and values?

The most exact trigger to the chart I am using for Poland (24 August 1989 – the date of the first post-war democratic Polish Government when Tadeus Mazowiecki became president) is Uranus – sudden shocks, accidents – picking up Mercury – communication and messages. This obviously fits a sudden accident, but it also suggests a radical change of opinion within the population. It could represent a stubbornness of mind, which some articles allude to relating to the President.


Photo of Polish President Lech Kaczynski from www.guardian.co.uk

In any case, a sudden awakening and honesty will be required. But the major issue wanting to be transformed is one of Jupiter together with Venus which would indicate that fundamental norms and values and belief systems need a radical overhaul. From something which has been restricting, to something where each citizen has more responsibility and perhaps choice about what his life philosophy is. Perhaps the only way this could happen is by having radical change at the top.

It is very sad for the citizens of both countries. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like. In years to come maybe the ‘ benefits’ of these events may be more obvious but I don’t underestimate the pain now. However these are two very different examples as to how astrology can be used to analyse and make sense of horrific situations. Hopefully this gives some idea of how we can use astrology to discover what the real problem might be and what we can do for a fresh start that might lead to a better situation.

Perhaps this way of looking at life can help you and your company too.

Faye Blake-Cossar

Interesting Websites of the Month

An article on gangs in Haiti –  what happened after the quake.

Stephanie Ward of Firefly Coaching is a great marketing consultant in the Netherlands. If you are making a ‘fresh start’  you may want to watch her video on how to define your niche.

Aries Quotes

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
Mary Pickford, actor.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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