Gemini 2017 I didn’t feel like singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ for my Gemini post. Although I had something lined up to say about number 45, I was going to wait for Cancer time (mothers and children) to post about Manchester. But I haven’t, as it is much more important than any wandering president. I feel so sad about Manchester, and …
Going to hell in a handbasket?
Aries 2017 Despite the news, I am still hopeful about the world. The weather here has been great and I have been posting tulips on FB as an antidote to the news – maybe it helps. It’s Tulip Festival here and so they can be seen everywhere you go. But Aries time has brought a lot of aggression, one negative manifestation …
Our broken democracy
Cancer 2016 Lately, I often hear myself asking “what the hell is wrong with the world?” There is an overdose of sad, horrific and bizarre items in the news. I like to keep up with what is happening in the world so I don’t want to block it out by not reading the news. However a cartoon doing the rounds on …
Trump – a spiritual challenge
Aries 2016 Yes, I too am fed up with news and posts of Donald Trump. He really has said some appalling things. However, he is such a good example to use for our sign of the month Aries, that I couldn’t resist writing a post on him. The sign Aries is connected with the planet Mars and it is really the …
She who dares – or should it be he?
Aries 2015 The new astrological year, which begins with Aries, started with a flourish on March 20th this year. The week before had seen the last of the clashes between Pluto and Uranus. There was also a new moon – an eclipse – on the same day as the Spring (or Autumn if you are down-under) Equinox. And not only that, the eclipse …
The Moral of the Sydney Siege
Sagittarius 2014 As this is the Sagittarius Monthly Planet, I was intending to write about Saturn entering this sign on December 23rd, where he will stay for a few years. But events somewhat overtook me. Since 2012 and possibly even earlier, astrologers have been commenting on an unfolding celestial drama involving the clash of two gods – Uranus, the sky …